
Long time, no blog.

It has come to my attention that people not only actually liked my Blogs, but are somewhat disappointed with me for not keeping up with it.  Well, according to my very thoughtful, but sometimes overbearing, sister anyway.  I understand that I forced all of you to become invested in at least some aspects of my life then left you hanging.  My bad.  Here's an overview of what I've been up to for the past few months......

First of all, let me just say that I have never been happier in my entire life.  I love my job, my boyfriend, our cat, my home and all my friends.  I also love the fact that I have not had to rely on the crutch that my Blob became.  It was more of a cry for help then anything, really.  It was almost as if I wrote about my plight as a fat girl, I wouldn't have to do anything else.  Just make people laugh and cry with  me over my unfortunate circumstances and feel good about myself when people show their support by "liking" what I wrote or sending me words of encouragement.  It felt good.  Too good.  It was too easy to feel fulfilled by not really DOING anything.  Does that make sense?  I didn't have to DO anything about my weight because people were giving me so much attention and I started to feel good without losing weight.  ANYways, enough of that. 

I started working out with a group of people from my work.  I go three days a week, sometimes twice a day to a rec center here in town.  The hospital I work for was generous enough not only to give us all free memberships to the center, but also hire a company that sent three personal trainers from Arizona to live here for 12 weeks and train us every day.  We do some yoga poses, strength training, core work and cardio.  The trainers are so flippin' nice and encouraging.  They teach us the correct way to do the moves, correct us when our form is wrong and generally allow us to be the best people we can be.  I'm telling you, I'm doing things I never thought I could.  I RUN.  I never even thought my body could physically do it, but it is.  I'm a pro at lunges and glute bridges and thoracic rotations and deep squats and mini band work and tightening by butt cheeks.  This is week 4 and I'm already getting sad that it's only a 12 week deal.

Just so everyone knows, I'm not weighing myself during this.  I know myself well enough to not.  When I used to try to work out and try to get healthy in the past, I'd work my ass off for a week, get on the scale and see little to no change and become discouraged.  I'd be like, "I worked so hard and ate so good and I lost no weight.  Fuck it.  Big Mac for dinner it is..."  So, just to ensure there is no stopping this, I will not weigh myself.  I will just bask in the glory of an energized day and know that I am making healthy decisions.

So, that's what I've been up to.  Thanks for reading. 

P.S. If I don't write as often as I used to, just know that I am filling my time wisely and doing well.