Seeing all of the Christmas trees on top of cars, posted on Facebook and on TV really has got me in a mood. Christmas trees are my most favorite thing of all. The twinkling lights, the family ornaments, the smell of pine, the garland shimmering off the white lights, the glow in the living room when you turn off the lamps.....I could go on and on......
I have been wandering from place to place, with roommate after roommate, for the past few years. None of which did I feel comfortable putting up my Christmas decorations in or with. Not that my apartments were too small or my roommates were assholes or anything. It just didn't feel right putting up a tree with my family's decorations on it in a place that didn't feel like home. Well, now I have what I feel is a true home, with the most wonderful man that ever lived and a cat that I love so much, but loves being naughty more than me or said wonderful man. Which brings me to my problem....that f-ing cat.....
I love the cat and everything, but he is a little pistol and gets into everything. The garbage, my underwear drawer, under the sink, under the bed, under my FEET and everything else he can either leap or scrapple up (scrapple is a term we made up that describes when a cat uses their claws to scratch up any surface in order to get where they need to go, JSYK). That being said, a Christmas tree is out of the question. We tried to put one up last year and, within an hour, Hammy had taken all of the garland off and was eating like 6 candy canes at once. Not that I blame him. The tree was just too much for him. All the glitter, lights and general wonderment made it impossible to leave alone. tree.

I have been forced to be creative this Holiday season by staple-gunning garland to my ceiling and hanging ornaments from it. While it certainly isn't a tree, it's still pretty cool looking. Now, if I play play the Christmas station, spray my Glade Winter Pine bathroom spray and squint my eyes really good, I might just be able to get through a tree-less Christmas. Stupid, handsome, cuddly, naughty cat.....